Compass tables

The compass tables are a great way to display your data in a table.
The tables are customizable and you can add your own custom cells to the table.


The package is automatically installed when you install the Compass Core package. However, Compass Core isn't required. If you want to install it separately, you can do so by running the following command in your terminal:

composer require

Remember to add the repository to your composer.json file if installation fails.
The GitLab access token can be obtained from yout GitLab instance.

"repositories": [
        "type": "git",
        "url": "https://___token___:[gitlab_access_token]"


Compass tables comes with a default configuration. You can publish the configuration file by running the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tables-config"

In this configuration file you can change the default configuration of the tables throughout the application.

Row action placement

To change to placement of table row actions globally the row-actions.placement key in the configration can be changed between left|right, by default actions are placed on the right side.

Collection class

Define table columns

To define columns in your table you have to use the getTableColumns() method. This method returns an array where you can specify the name, type and view that have to be used by the column.


public function getTableColumns(): array
        return [
            'avatar' => [
                'title' => __('compass.core::users.Avatar'),
                'type' => 'view',
                'view' => 'compass.core::settings.users.components.avatar',
            '' => [
                'title' => __('compass.core::users.Roles'),
                'type' => 'badge',

Custom row actions

You can add custom actions to the rows, for example a button to remove a row, these can be defined in the getRowActions() method. Here you can add your buttons and logic which will return an array of these buttons to be used in a row.

public function getRowActions(): array
        $actions = [];

        // Predefined actions
        $actions['show'] = true;
        $actions['delete'] = true;

        // Overruling a predefined action
        $actions['show'] = [
            'route' => ''
            'icon' => 'user'

        //Custom action
        $actions['two_factor'] = [
            'title' => __('compass.core::users.Configure 2FA'),
            'data_attributes' => [
                'toggle' => '#data-side-panel-two-factor',
                'route' => 'admin.settings.users.two-factor',
            'icon' => 'user-shield',

        return $actions;

Custom table row attributes

When needing additional attributes on a table row, for example giving the row a different color. The method getRowAttributes(Model $item) is available. The item variable received contains the data model used in the row. Based on this data model, you can implement your custom logic to determine the attributes that should be returned.

public function getRowAttributes(Model|User $model): ?array
    return ['class' => 'bg-danger', 'onclick' => 'alert("Dangerous alertbox");'];


gets the name of the


If protected bool $selectable = true; allows you to select a row with a checkbox

Cell types

General cell configuration options

Option Default value Description
title text The title of the cell.
class text or closure The CSS classes of a cell, accepts text or a closure. The first time the closure is called is for the table heading, no parameter is provided. The iterations after the table heading will provide the resource collection item as parameter for the closure
sortable false If the cell is sortable.

Special table cell types

There are a few types of table cells that you can use in your resource collection. You can use the following types:

Type Additional data key Example
Route route 'example' => ['type' => 'route', 'route' => '']
View view 'example' => ['type' => 'view', 'view' => 'example.view' ]
Date date_format 'example' => ['type' => 'date', 'date_format' => 'd-m-Y']
Number decimals 'example' => ['type' => 'number', 'decimals' => 2]
Boolean - 'example' => ['type' => 'boolean']
Badge badge 'example' => ['type' => 'badge', 'badge' => 'success']
Html - 'example' => ['type' => 'html']
Component component 'example' => ['type' => 'component', 'component' => 'example-component']

The component should implement the Noardcode\Compass\Tables\Contracts\CellComponentInterface. With this interface the naming of the necessary properties is forced.


To add footers to the table there are two slots available, footer and footerColumns. In must cases footerColmns should be the used slots. This slot takes configurations of the package and collection into account.

Slot footerColumns

To add a footer to your table, just add a named slot to the component.

<x-noardcode-table :collection="$orders">
    <x-slot name="footerColumns">
        <th colspan="3" class="text-right">Cummulative</th>
        <th class="text-right">1,144,60</th>
        <th class="text-right">3</th>

Slot footer

If one footer row is still not enough for your page, then you're free to use the general footer slot. This slot does not take configurations of the package and collection into account. While developing Compass modules you must take these configurable options into account!

<x-noardcode-table :collection="$orders">
    <x-slot name="footer">
            @if(\Noardcode\Compass\Tables\Components\Table::ROW_ACTIONS_LEFT == config('compass.tables.row-actions.placement'))
            <th colspan="3" class="text-right">Page cummulative</th>
            <th class="text-right">1.144,60</th>
            <th class="text-right">3</th>
            @if(\Noardcode\Compass\Tables\Components\Table::ROW_ACTIONS_RIGHT == config('compass.tables.row-actions.placement'))

            @if(\Noardcode\Compass\Tables\Components\Table::ROW_ACTIONS_LEFT == config('compass.tables.row-actions.placement'))
            <th colspan="3" class="text-right">Total Cummulative</th>
            <th class="text-right">11.440,60</th>
            <th class="text-right">3</th>
            @if(\Noardcode\Compass\Tables\Components\Table::ROW_ACTIONS_RIGHT == config('compass.tables.row-actions.placement'))